
20 11, 2019

Youth Ministry Highlight: Agincourt Baptist Church

By |2019-11-28T23:58:05-05:00November 20th, 2019|Uncategorized, ym highlight|0 Comments

Our VBS camp this August brought in a lot of new faces to our youth group, as new volunteer leaders from the local high-school and current youth group members were brought much closer as a tight-nit group. The new members transitioned into our weekly youth group seamlessly. Now we have a larger group with a strong drive and motivation to be at church as much as possible. Every member attends our

10 06, 2019

Guest Post: LEADS Jr Mentorship at Westview

By |2019-06-04T22:54:43-04:00June 10th, 2019|guest post|0 Comments

While we have always seen mentoring as  an important part of our faith, its value is especially highlighted by the statistics released in the “Hemorrhaging Faith” document. We were surprised to note that one of the most common times for youth to disengage from faith is during the transition into their Jr High years. I really had to mull this one over, but it does make sense.  One contributing factor

13 05, 2019

Guest Post: Athens Baptist Church and Alpha

By |2019-05-12T00:02:11-04:00May 13th, 2019|guest post|0 Comments

In Spring 2018, the Athens Ministerial and the local congregations of Athens began offering the Alpha Youth course at Athens Baptist Church to the students of Athens District High School (ADHS). The school is a 7-12 school with two different lunch periods: one for grade 7 & 8 students; the other for grade 9-12 students. Rev. Daniel Zylstra and Rev. Bruce Demitroff arranged the program with Matt Ferguson, a Youth

25 09, 2017

Paying Attention to Transitions

By |2017-09-22T08:18:01-04:00September 25th, 2017|best practices, guest post|0 Comments

(Submitted by Blake Bentley, English Pastor at Pickering Community Baptist Church) I am a new pastor at my church and I’ve been here for two years now. When I came to my small church in Pickering, ON, there were almost no babies in the church, no nursery to speak of, no youth group, no Sunday School for high school youth and no leaders to look after these things. I came

17 03, 2017

CE-DR 2017: Day 8

By |2017-03-17T03:01:58-04:00March 17th, 2017|DR 2017, Uncategorized|2 Comments

Cultural Day Before we left our hosts wanted us to soak in some more of the Dominican culture and explore what the city of Santo Domingo has to offer. We visited the Market, bartering for souvenirs and gifts for those back home. We toured the old city, the oldest European settlement in the New World. We also visited the Three Eyes, or Tres Ojos if you're from the Dominican Republic,

9 03, 2017

CE-DR 2017: Day 1

By |2017-03-09T23:34:55-05:00March 9th, 2017|DR 2017, event recap|0 Comments

Our team assembled at the Fairfield Marriott Hotel. After some time of worship, prayer and orientation (plus a Spanish lesson with Karla-Maria Ponce), they're (hopefully) getting some rest before our 6:10am flight. We'll see you from the DR in less than 24 hours!

8 08, 2016

Montreal Mission Trip 2016 – review

By |2016-08-05T07:51:31-04:00August 8th, 2016|Alvin Lau, event recap|0 Comments

For 10 days, three churches converged in Montreal to serve.. They started as strangers and became friends under the name of Jesus. From July 23 to August 1, FBC-Welland and FBC-Dunnville joined Montreal Chinese Baptist Church in the heart of Montreal. Their first weekend began with some training and team bonding. (Welland and Dunnville soon discovered that MCBC was an epic location for Manhunt plus a Poke stop was right

21 06, 2016

Day of Prayer for Youth and FBC-Dryden

By |2016-06-21T00:07:35-04:00June 21st, 2016|guest post|0 Comments

The following was part of an email conversation from Jane Wickstrom from First Baptist Church, Dryden. Pastor Adam Hall asked that I write and let you know how our Youth Sunday went. It was fantastic. Christ was central in all that was said and sung about. We praise HIM for all that He has done for us through the cross. Last Sunday (June 12), for International Day of Prayer for

2 12, 2014

A Baptistic Principle in Youth Ministry

By |2014-12-02T16:42:04-05:00December 2nd, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|0 Comments

One Baptistic value we hold is "association". While every church has its own autonomy and can individually discern where God is leading them, many congregations recognize they can't do everything by themselves. Even the formation of our area associations and CBOQ itself is based on this. Two specific examples of association are our CBOQ Youth retreats and Centre Court events. Retreats like Avalanche and Blizzard require a certain critical mass

20 11, 2014

A National Voice

By |2014-11-20T16:31:29-05:00November 20th, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|0 Comments

Last week, directors from our Canadian Baptist partners in youth and family gathered. These semiannual meetings aren't just to catch up. They are times to discern how we can come together at a national level with discernment from the Holy Spirit. CB Youth and Family's mandate is to advocate and make possible national and global synergies in the areas of youth, family and young adult ministry. Some elements that we

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