
17 10, 2023

Highlight: Port Colborne Baptist Church

By |2023-10-23T13:06:32-04:00October 17th, 2023|ym highlight|0 Comments

After receiving the confirmation of the grant, we had opportunities to grow together as a youth group.  On July 14-15, 2023, we hosted a mini retreat at the church with 16 youth and 3 leaders. We played games and sports, hiked, and had a wonderful time of intentional worship.   Then on July 26-27, we had a second youth retreat at Selkirk Provincial Park with 14 participants. During the retreat,

9 12, 2022

Highlight – Listowel Baptist Church

By |2022-12-09T08:07:08-05:00December 9th, 2022|guest post, ym highlight|0 Comments

Submitted by Paige Byrne-Mamahit, former Director of Family and Children's Ministry Do a Little Jig! Even though the arrow fell only a few feet in front of him and many feet short of the target, our jr archer (about six years old) did a little jig and cheered for himself with his friend also cheering for him, with some back pats and fist bumps to follow. Their 1st attempts

21 11, 2022

Highlight: Bromley Road Baptist Church

By |2022-11-16T23:28:38-05:00November 21st, 2022|ym highlight|0 Comments

Submitted by Julian Ciach (Director of Digital Ministry at Bromley Road Baptist Church) The esports micro-grant we received from CBOQ has been a great blessing! With the grant we were able to build relationships within the youth in new ways at our church. We purchased a Nintendo switch, controllers, and games that have allowed us to connect with the youth differently than before. The competition that we

14 11, 2022

Preparing for CSJG

By |2022-11-11T15:55:15-05:00November 14th, 2022|best practices|0 Comments

Every summer, Canada Summer Jobs provides funds for organizations (like churches) to hire youth/young adults (ages 15-30) for paid positions during the summer. Their deadline (although the 2023 edition has not yet been published) is typically in late January; the deadline in 2022 was January 25. With a couple of months before the deadline, some considerations: Review the criteria and timeline established by CSJ. This includes the criteria of eligibility,

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