
11 11, 2021

Avalanche 2022

By |2022-03-05T11:21:53-05:00November 11th, 2021||0 Comments

We are excited to be hosting our 22nd Jr. high winter retreat: AVALANCHE! Due to changing circumstances, we're hosting a satellite retreat where your group can choose to join us in your own in-person gathering or as a group online. This year, we're making Avalanche FREE! (If you'd like to help offset our expenses, feel free to e-transfer to donation@baptist.ca or online with pw "youth2000"; just include "Avalanche 2022" in

8 07, 2021

July 2021: Pastor’s Tip

By |2021-07-08T21:17:48-04:00July 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

Tip: Talk with your children and youth leaders about their communication and involvement of parents in a hybrid ministry setup.  As churches continue to further reopen their physical facilities for ministry activities, we hope all realize that the transition to physical reopening does not automatically mean the elimination of an online ministry component. While it may not be the same as what’s been done the last several months, recognizing not

8 04, 2021

Assembly Learning Sessions

By |2021-04-08T20:27:30-04:00April 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

tip: Register for (and recommend) some Assembly learning breakouts. CBOQ is excited to be hosting its annual Assembly, our "family gathering" of churches. Since this year is happening online, there are some great ways to connect and learn from one another, including through our learning sessions. You can find all the ones offered at baptist.ca/assembly/#assembly-learning-sessions. (The early bird deadline is May 9 with the final day to register on June

14 09, 2020

September 2020 Zoom Recap

By |2020-09-14T23:59:44-04:00September 14th, 2020|monthly zoom|0 Comments

3 Key Insights from Dan Martin The youth ministry experience needs to encompass those who want to gather in-person and those who want to connect online. Although some previous roles may not be utilized, reassign those volunteers to new roles (e.g. "Zoom lobby manager"). Hybrid youth ministry allows for youth to pivot with changing restrictions (both when it's lessening or increasing). This will likely be part of

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