
18 01, 2021

Review: Avalanche 2021

By |2021-01-18T00:23:17-05:00January 18th, 2021|event recap|0 Comments

AVALANCHE 2021 REVIEW Avalanche this year was unlike any we've ever hosted. Given the pandemic and most recent state of emergency "stay at home" orders, so many of our churches had to stay at home (and our Avalanche team as well). That didn't stop us from delving into our theme "ONE: One God. One Life. Together". Meisha Watson led us through a biblical understand of how God is wanting

22 10, 2020

Blizzard 2021 (high school)

By |2021-02-07T11:49:35-05:00October 22nd, 2020|, |0 Comments

Welcome to BLIZZARD 2021: CBOQ Youth's epic high school winter retreat. Because of the pandemic, we all met together online. That means you can also share in our Blizzard adventures with Dave Overholt's messages and Life Support's worship videos. Dave Overholt's messages Life Support videos This year, you can buy “ONE” merchandise through Promotional Source (a 3rd party distributor). Items can be purchased on-demand in whatever quantities and various colour

16 09, 2020

Pastor Tip: Promote the “One” theme and monthly resources, this month on prayer.

By |2020-09-16T13:55:15-04:00September 16th, 2020|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

Both CBOQ Kids ( and CBOQ Youth ( have monthly resources on specific aspects of our shared theme “ONE”.  CBOQ Kids has weekly family-based activities that can be done at home. They are shared on Facebook and on Instagram every week. Encourage your families to try these and share their experiences either through social media, video clips or with images that you can share.  CBOQ Youth offers a youth group lesson (both

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