meisha watson

5 09, 2024

Avalanche 2025 (jr high retreat)

By |2024-12-05T23:02:45-05:00September 5th, 2024|, , , |0 Comments

Avalanche 2025 is our jr. high winter retreat hosted at Muskoka Woods. And we are excited to celebrate our 25th season of winter retreats! This year’s speaker features Tim Teakle with Shawn Wiebe with GoodCompany as our worship team. Why join on January 17-19? This is an epic retreat with 400+ jr. highs from churches across Ontario and Quebec gathering in the Muskokas. Your church will be one of 4

18 01, 2021

Review: Avalanche 2021

By |2021-01-18T00:23:17-05:00January 18th, 2021|event recap|0 Comments

AVALANCHE 2021 REVIEW Avalanche this year was unlike any we've ever hosted. Given the pandemic and most recent state of emergency "stay at home" orders, so many of our churches had to stay at home (and our Avalanche team as well). That didn't stop us from delving into our theme "ONE: One God. One Life. Together". Meisha Watson led us through a biblical understand of how God is wanting

22 10, 2020

Avalanche 2021 (jr. high)

By |2021-01-21T21:13:32-05:00October 22nd, 2020|, |0 Comments

Thank you to those who joined us for Avalanche 2021: CBOQ Youth's epic jr. high school winter retreat. We will be "repackaging" all our materials into a do-it-yourself weekend retreat to be released in late February. Meisha's talks: Connexus' worship playlist: This year, you can buy “ONE” merchandise through Promotional Source (a 3rd party distributor). Items can be purchased on-demand in whatever quantities and various colour selections you’d like. They

24 02, 2020

Today’s Teens Conference 2020 – review

By |2020-02-24T00:12:56-05:00February 24th, 2020|event recap|0 Comments

Last Saturday, over 1000 youth workers and student leaders converged at the Meeting House in Oakville for Ontario's largest and longest running youth ministry conference, hosted by Youth Unlimited. All were encouraged and inspired that, with all that's happening in the world, THERE IS HOPE BECAUSE OF JESUS; all were challenged to bring that hope to their spheres of influence. Some key reminders from some of the plenary speakers: Mark

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