Upcoming Events

Next Generation Pastors Retreat 2024

Camp Kwasind 1122 Skeleton Lake Road #5, Utterson, ON, Canada

Join us for a transformative journey of spiritual refresh and professional growth at our upcoming retreat designed exclusively for youth and children's pastors. Our featured speaker is Tim Teakle who will unpack Generation Alpha. Tim Teakle is the National Director of Church Experience for Alpha Canada, whose mission is to inspire and serve the Canadian church in its mission to help people discover a relationship with Jesus Christ, using Alpha.


Compassion Experience- Dominican Republic 2025

Lighthouse Project Calle Duarte #6, Los Alcarrizos, Dominican Republic

Join us March 6-14, 2025, for a COMPASSION EXPERIENCE (previously known as Mission Trip) to Dominican Republic. This is a unique opportunity for an entry level compassion experience, done at Lighthouse Project through International Teams (ITeams). Consider joining this trip to gain insight, skills and understanding to live compassionately. The aim of COMPASSION EXPERIENCES is to equip and mobilize our churches, youth workers, and youth to compassionately live out the

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