Next Generation Pastors Retreat 2024

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Join us for a transformative journey of spiritual refresh and professional growth at our upcoming retreat designed exclusively for youth and children’s pastors.

Our featured speaker is Tim Teakle who will unpack Generation Alpha.

Tim TeakleTim Teakle is the National Director of Church Experience for Alpha Canada, whose mission is to inspire and serve the Canadian church in its mission to help people discover a relationship with Jesus Christ, using Alpha. In his 20+ years of ministry, Tim has developed a passion to help people discover that sharing our faith is not just something we HAVE to do…it’s something we GET to do. Tim was a youth pastor for 10 years before working with Alpha’s youth department prior to his current role. He and his wife Carolyn have 4 children and a cat named Archie.

Things to Look Forward to:

  • Monday night: celebration and communion together
  • Tuesday morning-afternoon: Understanding Gen Alpha with Tim Teakle
  • Tuesday night: guided discussion on use of tech like AI
  • Wednesday morning: teaser of Parenting Faith with prayer time

Registration fee is $130/person.

Fill out my online form.

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