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In a world where youth need to know they belong before they will believe, it becomes critical that we explore how to be missional in our approach, welcoming in our context, and embracing in efforts to reach a generation that many feel has gone adrift. It’s now time to reach out, listen, and commit to sharing life with this generation as we invite them to get connected with each other, with faith, and with their church family.

With this curriculum (with separate Jr. high and Sr. high editions), our hope is that young people today will know that being part of a faith community is where they belong.

Module Overviews

Case Study of the Early Church: studying the early church as described in Acts 2:42-47

What Does It Mean to Belong?: understanding how identity aligns with God’s kingdom

Invitation to Here and Beyond: looking at what Jesus’ invitation encompasses

You’re Invited!: delving into Jesus’ invitation to follow him

Markers of God’s Family: four indicators of who is part of God’s family

You Are Mine (Adopted by God): investing God’s adoption of his children

Belonging to What?: exploring who else is part of God’s family

To What Do We Belong?: examining the various scopes of God’s kingdom (from local to global)

The Benefits of Belonging to God: examining what benefits come with being part of God’s family

Qualifications: identifying what qualifies to belong to God[


Yesterday. Today. Forever
More than a Name
I Dare You
City of God
Born to Be
Total Revolution