By Jaimie Wiebe|2024-03-18T13:52:38-04:00November 29th, 2023|Outreach| Watch the Toronto Raptors play against Oklahoma City Thunders, either in-person at Scotiabank Arena or in a watch party with your group. Following the end of the game watch a live streamed interview of Herbie Kuhn, Voice of the Raptors and co-Chaplain, as he shares fun stories of his faith journey. The hope is that is can be the catalyst for further faith conversations with friends. Register below
By Alvin|2021-07-08T21:17:48-04:00July 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|
Tip: Talk with your children and youth leaders about their communication and involvement of parents in a hybrid ministry setup. As churches continue to further reopen their physical facilities for ministry activities, we hope all realize that the transition to physical reopening does not automatically mean the elimination of an online ministry component. While it may not be the same as what’s been done the last several months, recognizing not