
4 03, 2024

Spring Tour 2024- Associations

By |2024-03-19T15:56:42-04:00March 4th, 2024|announcement|0 Comments

We are excited to visit a number of our associations to share about the latest Create and Cultivate resource. To date, Tanya or Alvin will be visiting: Norfolk (March 19) Amherstburg (March 23) Trent-Valley (April 13) Toronto (April 27) Midwestern (April 28) Niagara-Hamilton (May 4) Ottawa (May 4) Northern (May 10) Contact your association executive or Alvin for more details. If you'd like one of our Next Gen staff to

30 05, 2016

Transition 101 – review

By |2016-10-31T13:57:13-04:00May 30th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

It was certainly an event to remember: the collaboration of Inter-Varsity, Power 2 Change, Ambassadors for Christ and CBOQ Youth, supporting grade 12 students in their transition into post-secondary life. This inaugural event laid the groundwork for a key Hemorrhaging Faith issue. The Hemorrhaging Faith report identified transition points, including those in between life stages, as one area where many people move away from the faith. For the high school

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