
8 04, 2021

Assembly Learning Sessions

By |2021-04-08T20:27:30-04:00April 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

tip: Register for (and recommend) some Assembly learning breakouts. CBOQ is excited to be hosting its annual Assembly, our "family gathering" of churches. Since this year is happening online, there are some great ways to connect and learn from one another, including through our learning sessions. You can find all the ones offered at (The early bird deadline is May 9 with the final day to register on June

25 09, 2014

Theology of Youth Ministry

By |2014-09-25T04:32:14-04:00September 25th, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|0 Comments

Theology, as a basic definition, is "the study of God and God's relation to the world". As a Christian, we view everything through that lens of discovering God's relationship to everything. Youth ministry is no different. Youth ministry is no longer seen as "glorified babysitting". Youth leaders would rarely call it that. (Some parishoners may have subconsciously viewed it as such.) However, in the last few years, the connection between

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