ym highlight

28 11, 2019

Youth Ministry Highlight: Malvern Baptist Church

By |2019-11-28T23:57:07-05:00November 28th, 2019|ym highlight|0 Comments

The youth from MBC went on a 3 day retreat this past summer in Guelph. The weekend was filled with games, food, reflection, mediation, sports, and prayer. Our church partnered with another church (who meets at Tyndale) and had a badminton tournament accompanied with worship (led by Nicholas Wong). Our church celebrated Thanksgiving with a turkey and all the

20 11, 2019

Youth Ministry Highlight: Agincourt Baptist Church

By |2019-11-28T23:58:05-05:00November 20th, 2019|Uncategorized, ym highlight|0 Comments

Our VBS camp this August brought in a lot of new faces to our youth group, as new volunteer leaders from the local high-school and current youth group members were brought much closer as a tight-nit group. The new members transitioned into our weekly youth group seamlessly. Now we have a larger group with a strong drive and motivation to be at church as much as possible. Every member attends our

14 11, 2019

Youth Ministry Highlight: Kingsway Baptist Church

By |2019-11-28T23:58:39-05:00November 14th, 2019|ym highlight|0 Comments

I (Jon Matthews, youth pastor at Kingsway) had a really encouraging phone call with one of our students who is in University now (3rd year). As we were talking and she was sharing how she now has a church in town she goes to weekly, arranging her work schedule so every week she can have Sunday mornings free. And that she is part of discipleship group with another Para-church organization.

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