
25 06, 2016

Change of Pace

By |2016-06-25T23:06:47-04:00June 25th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

The last three months have been a big push of deadlines, from the CB Youth and Family Forum to the re-release of Faith Formation 2.0 to the launch of our new theme and ministry resource guide and the soon-to-be-released 2016/17 Rerooted curriculum. As these deadlines pass, more are coming, but with a change of pace. For me (Alvin), the next few weeks will be filled with speaking engagements (including Week

26 02, 2016

Lessons from the Move

By |2016-03-17T16:32:49-04:00February 26th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Today, the CBOQ staff settles into our new work home. Moving to 5 International Blvd brings an exciting sense of a fresh start. But, as with any change, there are a few things to keep in mind. Very rarely will it go according to the original plan. No matter how many times you’ve moved and no matter how meticulous you are in preparations, there are always unforeseen details that impact

3 05, 2014

All the Details in Change

By |2014-05-03T04:29:04-04:00May 3rd, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|0 Comments

At our office, we’re in the middle of switching our email system from Lotus Domino to Microsoft Exchange (that's been a long time coming). As part of an implementation team, we designed a plan that seemed to be solid and well thought out. We thought had answered all the pertinent questions. But as we started moving forward with it, a lot of unforeseen details came out that we never did

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