
8 04, 2021

Assembly Learning Sessions

By |2021-04-08T20:27:30-04:00April 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

tip: Register for (and recommend) some Assembly learning breakouts. CBOQ is excited to be hosting its annual Assembly, our "family gathering" of churches. Since this year is happening online, there are some great ways to connect and learn from one another, including through our learning sessions. You can find all the ones offered at (The early bird deadline is May 9 with the final day to register on June

2 11, 2015

Best Practices: Intergenerational Interactions

By |2016-10-31T13:57:15-04:00November 2nd, 2015|best practices|0 Comments

One of the leading trends in youth and family ministries is the notion of intergenerational experiences, which happen when the church encourages ministry, service and worship between generations. Research has demonstrated that these kinds of interactions strengthen faith formation for children and youth. Young people learn from trusted adults. In many ways, the Sharing Life concept is an underlying current for intergenerational friendships, which we invite you to consider in

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