Book review: Reimagining Young Adult Ministry
For the last couple of decades, the church has been asking: How do we minister to young adults? Many people have ideas, but few are sustainable. Scott Pontier and Mark DeVries offers some insights in their book Reimagining Young Adult Ministry. ( Pontier and DeVries guide a conversation focused on what young adults are looking for and how the church can meet them where they are. The authors draw on
Young Adult Exchanges
Youth ministries are environments where students can mature in their faith. Some students are ready for the next step, but our youth ministry may not have the opportunities they need. Happily, we’re part of God’s greater kingdom and he has more opportunities than we could imagine. A few years ago, CBOQ established an exchange with our friends at CBAC. The intent is to send groups of young adults to the
BYLAW AMENDMENT – Addition of Young Adult Delegates
At Assembly last June, was the announcement of a motion to be presented for consideration at Assembly 2018. Assembly followed the Imaginative Hope, which included the recommendation by the Next Generation Ministries - CBOQ of the addition of a young - adult delegate. The motion is to allow a church to send a third delegate who is age 18-25 years. So what happens from here? If you haven't read
Young Adult Transition Research
Back in 2011, the Hemorrhaging Faith study found that, for Christian youth adults, major life transitions were often transitions out of the church and faith. A major new study is being conducted looking at the transition of Christian young adults from high school to the next phase in life and how churches and ministries can help young adults maintain their connections to church and faith. The last data collection phase