
26 09, 2019

Imaginative Justice

By |2019-09-26T09:30:59-04:00September 26th, 2019|Events|0 Comments

Justice. What is it and how do we approach discussions about it  in the context of immigration, gun violence and other areas we hear every day in the news. The topic of biblical justice is do we prepare for conversations about that? The Canadian Baptist Youth team have ideas to get your conversation about justice started. In 2016, the CB Youth team released the Imaginative Hope report, which outlines

21 09, 2015

Best Practices: Biblical Understanding

By |2016-10-31T13:57:15-04:00September 21st, 2015|Alvin Lau, best practices|0 Comments

One key way we come to know God is through Scripture. We believe it is the inspired word of God, a primary channel through which he shares his love and his directives with humanity. We've also seen that biblical literacy is very low in the Canadian church (e.g. just 14% of Canadians read the Bible at least once a month in 2013, down from 28% in 1996). Building biblical understanding

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