
30 10, 2023

Communication Strategy Changes

By |2023-10-30T00:19:35-04:00October 30th, 2023|announcement|0 Comments

WHAT'S CHANGING Sending a more comprehensive monthly eUpdate enewsletter. Creating a weekly video highlighting important content (via YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels and TikTok) WHAT WE'LL KEEP DOING Sending a personalized email with customized updates Messaging youth leaders from our weekly staff church prayer list Sharing articles via Facebook and X Sharing in our Facebook group (for CBOQ youth leaders)

8 07, 2021

July 2021: Pastor’s Tip

By |2021-07-08T21:17:48-04:00July 8th, 2021|Pastor Tips|0 Comments

Tip: Talk with your children and youth leaders about their communication and involvement of parents in a hybrid ministry setup.  As churches continue to further reopen their physical facilities for ministry activities, we hope all realize that the transition to physical reopening does not automatically mean the elimination of an online ministry component. While it may not be the same as what’s been done the last several months, recognizing not

18 10, 2019

3-Tier Engagement

By |2019-10-18T15:44:12-04:00October 18th, 2019|best practices|0 Comments

Recently Matt, Meghan, and Alvin have been reassessing how we gauge our effectiveness with our CBOQ churches, specifically with youth ministries and their progressions. Through prayer and discussion, we’ve come up with a 3-tier engagement approach that will help us better evaluate our ministry. (Note: The tiers are not indicative of importance; they simply provide us with three different ways to measure engagement.) TIER 1 Every year, we will compile

17 10, 2016

Parent Communications

By |2016-10-31T13:57:09-04:00October 17th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Parents play a vital role in the faith development of a child. We all recognize that. Whether or not those parents are Christians, they are key influencers and we need to both recognize and support that. So how do you communicate to parents? With any communication strategy, it’s essential to figure out how people  receive communication. You need to understand how parents best receive information. Some are good with large

11 02, 2016

Lessons from Blizzard 2016

By |2016-10-31T13:57:14-04:00February 11th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Two weekends ago, we hosted our latest Blizzard retreat and with 772 guests plus 61 staff, we had Muskoka Woods busting at the seams!  Even so, one of the most common responses to the weekend was, “With so many people, it ran so smoothly!” It was great. Even great events require debriefing, however. Here are the lessons applied and lessons learned from this weekend.   LESSONS APPLIED Communicate any potential

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