
8 06, 2020

A Summary of Learnings

By |2020-06-04T23:37:11-04:00June 8th, 2020|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

COVID-19 LEARNINGS SUMMARY  Over the last few weeks, I had the privilege of engaging with 16 of our CBOQ youth leaders, uncovering what they’ve been doing and learning since March break when the pandemic lockdown started. Here’s what I took away from each leader:  John: Creative outlets like puppets allow students to focus on a project with purpose and can bless the rest of the congregation.  William: Managing larger groups online takes multiple

19 05, 2020

Interview: Hannah Fairbanks

By |2020-05-14T22:02:21-04:00May 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Hannah Fairbanks Youth and Family Worker Immanuel Baptist Church, Toronto (Recorded: May 13, 2020) INSIGHTS FROM HANNAH She does "drive by and drop offs" (it's not as sketch as it may sound). This has deepened their understand and the value of community. She sends different activities for the family to do together and to help break the routine. Be creative. Take a chance. If it doesn't

8 11, 2019


By |2019-11-08T15:35:57-05:00November 8th, 2019|Alvin Lau, best practices|0 Comments

In the last few months, I (Alvin) have had the honour of working alongside the Church Life team with the Small Church Envisioning days (the last session is this Saturday at Immanuel Baptist Church in Toronto). While there have been several inter-department collaborations in the past, this round reminded me of its importance. Here are a few insights. I can (and should) learn from others. Admittedly, I sometimes have a

27 11, 2017

Leader Development Track

By |2017-11-21T23:08:03-05:00November 27th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Where are you headed? What do you need to get there? As youth leaders, we pour into others, but what are ways you allow God to pour into you? A few weeks ago, we suggested creating a learning track for your student leaders to help identify specific elements in building that person and who could provide those learning opportunities. It's no different for you as a leader. Below is a

26 09, 2016

Tying It All Together

By |2016-10-31T13:57:09-04:00September 26th, 2016|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

You likely have a group of students whom you’re trying to develop in their faith and leadership skills. They may even be involved in other ministries in your church or volunteering in the community. But how do they piece all those parts together? Here are some suggestions for helping that student make sense of all they’re experiencing. Do they have someone (or group of people) who they can bring all

3 04, 2014

Training (yourself and your team) Ahead

By |2016-10-31T13:57:19-04:00April 3rd, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|0 Comments

“Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation.” ― Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are The fact is, if you don't train, you don't transform. If you're not continuing to learn and stretch, then don't expect positive change. Ensuring that you and your team have on-going learning opportunities is key to sharpening their ministry skills and moving the

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