Cultural Day
Before we left our hosts wanted us to soak in some more of the Dominican culture and explore what the city of Santo Domingo has to offer. We visited the Market, bartering for souvenirs and gifts for those back home. We toured the old city, the oldest European settlement in the New World. We also visited the Three Eyes, or Tres Ojos if you’re from the Dominican Republic, a series of enormous cave lakes with almost a full forest inside. When we arrived back at the Lighthouse School they arranged for us to play some of the students in volleyball and basketball. I won’t tell you the score but wow they were good! The night finished well with a great talk about decisive moments by Dave and impromtu rain shower and subsequent swim/prayer/worship time. So much spontaneous fun to end the trip… I hope everyone had some dry clothes set aside for the flight home.
Today was a day full of adventures! When we were looking around the Market, there were so many things to take in, in such a small place. It was super cool to experience. Also the walk around the old city was cool to see the differences of then and now. But most of all I enjoyed visiting Three Eyes, breathtaking views to take in. Absolutely AMAZING day. Especially finishing it off with singing/playing in the rain.
Today after our evening devotional/worship time, a bunch of the people from Harmony, Kingsway, and Mimico, all went out in the rain and sang songs to God. Then we all jumped in the pool fully clothed. We swam for a bit, then all got out and rinsed off. Once we rinsed off, we all huddled up soaking wet and had a group prayer. It was definitely a God moment and it was awesome!
My proudest moment tonight had to be watching downstairs to the
basement and seeing how much clothing, toys, and supplies everyone is leaving here to be distributed to the community. Our plane’s going to be much lighter on the way home!
It’s been wonderful to follow your progress, and know that God has been so much a part of everything you have been a part of! Looking forward to seeing you all back “home”.
Thanks so much Pat! We’re all back safe. Ready for some rest!