By Alvin|2021-05-15T16:35:56-04:00May 15th, 2021|Pastor Tips|
TIP 3: Celebrate the people going through different graduations. This is the season when many children and youth celebrate milestones (although differently, like last year). This includes: Grade school to high school High school to post-secondary (whether school, apprenticeship or work) Post-secondary studies to new careers (or for further studies) (others you may know about) As you identify these individuals, consider: Reaching out to each graduate individually, whether it’s a
By Alvin|2018-07-28T10:46:45-04:00July 28th, 2018|Student Training|
Transition 101 is a collaborative event for high school grads hosted by Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Power to Change, Ambassadors for Christ, the Navigators and the Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec. We believe it is vital to connect graduating high school students going to college or university with a local faith community, both on campus and in a church. The purpose of Transition 101 is to facilitate those connections, not for any particular group,
By Alvin|2018-01-29T00:07:55-05:00January 29th, 2018|Alvin Lau|
Back in 2011, the Hemorrhaging Faith study found that, for Christian youth adults, major life transitions were often transitions out of the church and faith. A major new study is being conducted looking at the transition of Christian young adults from high school to the next phase in life and how churches and ministries can help young adults maintain their connections to church and faith. The last data collection phase
By Alvin|2017-06-05T22:57:07-04:00June 5th, 2017|Alvin Lau, event recap|
Many high school graduates just sent in their letters of acceptance. Last Saturday, a number of them gathered to meet some soon-to-be-friends at Transition 101. This second annual event, co-hosted with Ambassadors for Christ, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Power 2 Change - Students and Navigators, helped set the trajectory for 60 soon-to-be-frosh (3x the number of grads we had last year). They had a chance to learn about their campuses with
By Alvin|2017-04-28T10:50:50-04:00April 28th, 2017|Alvin Lau|
Do you remember what finishing grade 12 (or grade 13 or OAC depending on your year of graduation) was like? For many, it’s a mixture of excitement, stress, relief, and anxiety. For some, the shift to post-secondary life means Jesus takes a back seat. So how do we help students sustain their faith in this transition? Here are some ways you can support your grade 12 grads (some of these
By Alvin|2016-03-17T16:32:49-04:00February 26th, 2016|Alvin Lau|
Today, the CBOQ staff settles into our new work home. Moving to 5 International Blvd brings an exciting sense of a fresh start. But, as with any change, there are a few things to keep in mind. Very rarely will it go according to the original plan. No matter how many times you’ve moved and no matter how meticulous you are in preparations, there are always unforeseen details that impact
By Alvin|2016-10-31T13:57:14-04:00November 23rd, 2015|Alvin Lau|
For a lot of grade 12 students, this month begins the turning of the page towards the next chapter in their lives. Many are submitting their applications for admission to colleges and universities. They’re anticipating their high school graduation and whatever adventures they’ll be stepping into in September. What can you as a faith community do to support them in this transition? Here are some suggestions. A Grad Mentor
By Alvin|2016-10-31T13:57:17-04:00October 30th, 2014|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|
As soon-to-be high school graduates are looking at options after June, it can become a daunting task. Some are excited; others are filled with anxiety. As youth leaders, helping them to navigate this time is crucial in their faith journey. While each individual's situation is unique, there are some common elements to consider. What kind of vocation is God calling that person towards? What kind of pathway is God directing