After the long weekend (the unofficial start of summer), the school year is almost done. Many youth ministries begin to wind down. It’s time to finish the year well.

CELEBRATE: Spend some time recounting the blessings that God’s brought the last few months. Have a special time of prayer. Like so many Baptists before us, celebrate with food. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

DEBRIEF: Take time to debrief with your leaders, both as a group and individually. Affirm some of their successes and identify areas for improvement. Three helpful debrief questions can include:

  1. What are three things you’ve done well this past year?
  2. What are two things you could have improved?
  3. How could I better support you in your role?

FEEDBACK: It’s always helpful to get feedback from students, parents and other parties (e.g. deacons, elders, Christian Ed team, etc.). This could be a written survey, informal conversations or a gathering time. Allow them to share moments they’ve cherished and areas for improvement.

PLAN AHEAD: This doesn’t mean you need to have every detail in place for next year. It’s a good time to start discerning and outlining where God might be taking this youth ministry next year.

REST: At some point, rest well. Rest in God because of who he’s made you to be, not for what you do or what you have.

May you finish well with the Spirit leading you towards the end of this school year.