Our 8 days in the Dominican Republic culminated in both a series of blessings and challenges. For me (Alvin), this was my second time serving with a team in the Lighthouse Project.

Those 8 days consisted of:

  • Morning devotions together on the rooftop of our residence building
  • Delicious meals provided by the Lighthouse staff
  • Building projects in Villa Altagracia specifically with their vocational school and first attention clinic
  • Finishing some renovations and interacting with the kids at the CBOQ satellite school
  • Learning about the communities of Los Alcarrizos and Villa Altagracia
  • Immersing in the culture of Old Santo Domingo and the 3 Eyes National Park
  • Moments of rest whether a pool side or
  • Praying and worshipping God together as a team

For me personally, this experience came in the latter part of a very intense season of CBOQ Youth. For the last 8 weeks, we hosted Avalanche and Blizzard with significant involvement at Today’s Teens Conference followed by Centre Court Jr after our retreat from the Dominican Republic.

Through it all, I was continuously reminded of God’s providence and presence. With other team leaders Kylie and Sydney alongside Ethan, Natalie and the Lighthouse staff, we kept asking what our next steps were. Things did not always go accordingly to plan; we knew that coming into this. But what the revised plan was to be wasn’t always known immediately.

God showed me that he is faithful for his results rise to the surface. He also reminded me that he provides in the logistics, in physical and mental stamina, and most importantly in the care of all our souls. Even in moments when our team faced moments of tension whether within ourselves or with others, God’s grace is sufficient through it all.

Ultimately, God is sufficient through it all to all people all the time.