It goes without saying that 2020 has held unexpected events. So much has happened since March. We are asked to approach Thanksgiving with hearts of gratefulness, but as it approaches being grateful will be easier for some than for others. There are many in our communities (local or regional), and maybe in our churches, who are feeling great anxiety, tension and stress as a result of COVID-19. 

However, the question remains for each of us individually, “Do I come to God with unreserved thanksgiving?” In Psalm 27, David reminds us of God’s unwavering steadfastness even in the midst of pain and angst. Perhaps our circumstances feel overwhelmingly heavy. In the midst of that, God asks us to still trust Him and give thanks. 

As a community, with thankful hearts, are we extending our gratitude by supporting others who are hurting around us. Whether you’re raising funds for your local food bank or extending a helping hand in other ways, we will answer the call to come alongside others so they may experience the grace of Jesus.  

October is also “Clergy Appreciation Month. Many of your pastors have been working diligently, faithfully and perhaps even more strenuously before the pandemic. Extend a moment of thanks first to God for them and then to each of your pastors. If you’re not sure how to do this we suggest you find out their love language to help you discover creative ways to extend thanks.  

Please consider sharing! If you have helpful resources or creative ideas for any of the above, feel free to share them on our Facebook page or Twitter feed. 

God deserves all our praise and thanks. Without reservation, let us offer that to our King, and help others see his grace through the good works he does through us!