This season of ministry is wrapping up with a variety of celebrations. Now’s a great time to start thinking about where God is leading your ministry next season and next year. So what are your next steps?

CBOQ Youth is launching our annual Next Steps survey. We hope you’ll take the time (about 10 min) to complete it. The survey provides us with 2 key insights from you:

  • What are your 3 goals for youth ministry next year? Our hope is that you’ll have some S.M.A.R.T. goals to work towards. We’d like to support you in those, so Alvin will follow up with you in July to dialogue with you either by email or by phone to see how we can help.
  • What do you find valuable about what CBOQ Youth offers? We’d like you to take a look at what we’re currently doing and rate how helpful those resources are. We’d also like your suggestions on what else you would find beneficial.

We’ll be emailing key youth leaders in the next few weeks asking them to complete this. The more feedback we have from you, the better we can be at discerning God’s direction for youth ministries across Quebec and Ontario.

You can find the survey at