By Alvin|2025-01-18T10:33:20-05:00October 22nd, 2024|Outreach|
Over the last 27 years, our pre-evangelistic outreach event provides a space for students in youth groups to invite their friends in a safe, comfortable environment to hear about how Jesus impacts people’s lives and to connect with your group hopefully for further faith conversations. This year, we are looking forward to hosting a livestream interview with Herbie Kuhn (co-chaplain and voice of the Toronto Raptors). You choose to attend
By Jaimie Wiebe|2023-12-14T11:39:50-05:00December 14th, 2023|Community, Outreach|
Faith Sticks is a family-friendly faith night with the Toronto Marlies! This is a amazing opportunity to watch a great afternoon of hockey with friends and family that have not yet come to faith. Following the hockey game, you will hear from a Toronto Marlies player share about Jesus' impact on his life! The after game event also includes SKATING ON THE ICE! Faith Sticks could be the break out
By Alvin|2022-12-05T00:09:54-05:00December 5th, 2022|event recap|
For the first time in three years, we hosted Centre Court, our outreach event through the Toronto Raptors. As "normal business" continues to evolve from the pandemic, many things changed as well in how Centre Court unfolded. When we finalized our plans with Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE), we had five weeks to promote and plan what now turned out to be a pre-game outreach event. In total
By Alvin|2022-11-01T11:37:40-04:00October 28th, 2022|announcement|
We are excited to announce we are hosting Centre Court 2022 on Saturday, December 3 @ Scotiabank Arena. What is Centre Court? It’s a first-point-of-contact for your youth ministry’s non-Christian friends. We host an event that happens courtside at Scotiabank Arena where some of your youth are invited to participate in on-court activities and to hear from a player how Jesus impacts their lives. It is also an opportunity for
By Alvin|2020-01-22T23:36:20-05:00January 22nd, 2020|
Along with CBOQ Kids, we are extending their Raptors 905 Faith and Family event to include a youth outreach component. This is a great opportunity to come watch hopefully-soon-to-be NBA players, then enjoy a post-game program featuring a Raptors 905 player and on-court games. (Think of this as Centre Court, G-League style.) Have your students invite their friends (and their families) for this affordable event! Fill out my online
By Alvin|2019-10-25T14:21:56-04:00October 25th, 2019|best practices|
With October 31 approaching, many kids (and youth) are preparing for Halloween by getting costumes ready. Households are stocking up on treats. Whether or not you choose to participate in Halloween traditions, Halloween can be an opportunity for Christian ministry. Some churches decide to host events such as fall fairs, which can be opportunities to offer safe gathering places for neighbourhood young people. The key for this option isn’t to
By Alvin|2019-03-25T23:43:42-04:00March 25th, 2019|event recap|
While it was a heart-breaking loss with a nearly impossible shot, our post-game program highlighted the different ways Jesus continues to make an impact in people's lives. We were excited to have Jeremy Lin share his testimony and to give a word of encouragement to our guests. Specifically, he highlighted Galatians 6:9 as the verse that he's currently meditating on. (Much of his story was captured on our CBOQ Youth
By Alvin|2018-10-16T21:09:51-04:00October 22nd, 2018|Alvin Lau, youth ministry thoughts|
How do you reach your community with the person and message of Jesus? After all, that’s the primary reason why the church exists: to go and make disciples of all nations. What are ways to do that? There are many ways a church can reach into a community. Here are a few considerations: Where does the neighbourhood gather? Some communities already have established times when people gather. It could
By Alvin|2018-09-10T10:04:37-04:00September 7th, 2018|Alvin Lau|
Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment (MLSE) have graciously offered us a limited block of free tickets to distribute to our churches. The game is on Saturday, October 20, 4:00 pm @ BMO Field. OBJECTIVE We are looking for youth ministries to submit a proposal to CBOQ Youth on how they will utilize some of these tickets to engage with the unchurched friends of their students. HOW DOES THIS