With October 31 approaching, many kids (and youth) are preparing for Halloween by getting costumes ready. Households are stocking up on treats. Whether or not you choose to participate in Halloween traditions, Halloween can be an opportunity for Christian ministry.

Some churches decide to host events such as  fall fairs, which can be opportunities to offer safe gathering places for neighbourhood young people. The key for this option isn’t to create the most entertaining venue (because many places will out-entertain you), it’s to create a sense of welcome and belonging. Radical welcome depends more  on the people involved than the activities or even the “fun factor”.

Go out and meet your neighbours. This is a natural time to engage in conversations, to (re)connect and to be a positive presence of Christ in your neighbourhood.

Add a worthwhile cause. Some youth groups collect non-perishable food items instead of treats as a way to give back to the community. Something like this takes some pre-planning (e.g. distributing flyers in the neighbourhood before Halloween) so the neighbourhood is aware of your plans and prepared to participate.

Whatever you decide to do, continue to be the presence of Jesus in extending his grace to those around you.