“Gather a collection of thanksgiving year-end prayers (video, written, etc) and showcase them.” 

None of us could foresee the way things transpired in 2020. Yet even with all the disruptions, chaos and confusion, God has revealed in so many ways the ways he continues to bless us with and carry us through challenging times. 

One way to show our gratefulness is to offer collective prayers of thanksgiving (in-person or online). Here are some ways to do that. 



Each person has a piece of paper and pen/pencil. (Depending on your public health guidelines and church policies, you can determine if you provide these or encourage everyone to bring their own ahead of time.) Provide some time during the service for people to write down 1 or 2 (or more) thanksgivings they want to offer to God this year. They can also choose to draw something. 

Afterwards, have people tape their papers to the wall. In a physically-distanced manner, allow people to walk around to view the papers. If they feel called, people could even pray alongside some of those written thanksgiving prayers. 



Have people submit different prayers of thanksgiving, whether in video form, written or photographic. Make sure to ask people for permission to use the materials as part of your church’s publications before proceedingHere are some ways to showcase these prayers (Ifyou have someone who’s proficient at one of these, ask them to help you): 

  • Compile them all into 1 video to show during service (or online on YouTube or social media) 
  • Schedule each prayer to be shared on social media throughout the next few days. 
  • Gather and show them all in a webpage. 


While there’s been a lot to lament in 2020, we also have reasons to give thanks. Let’s share those as this year closes out.