In the Christian faith, this coming week is the pinnacle of our experience. The coming days represent both the remorse and the celebration of Jesus.

CBOQ Youth’s mission statement is to “serve God by mobilizing and developing Youth Workers and Churches across Ontario and Quebec, alongside Christian Youth Agencies in effectively engaging youth with the person and message of Jesus and empower them in their journey towards being fully committed Christ-Followers.” The key to all of this is “the person and message of Jesus”. Without Jesus, all of this is meaningless. Without Jesus, as an organization and as a people, we cease to exist.

During this week, may you remind your students of the central reason of why we gather in the first place. May you continuously and unashamedly point them to the One who came to redeem the world. May they see the King, not just of their youth group or their church, but of the universe.

So, from the love of the Father who created you,

through Jesus Christ who redeemed you with his death and resurrection,

and by the power and the friendship of the Holy Spirit,

may you remember The One and may your youth join The One.
