Today, the CBOQ staff settles into our new work home. Moving to 5 International Blvd brings an exciting sense of a fresh start. But, as with any change, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Very rarely will it go according to the original plan. No matter how many times you’ve moved and no matter how meticulous you are in preparations, there are always unforeseen details that impact those plans.
  • Plan as much as you can. While you can’t foresee every single detail, it’s still worthwhile to think through as many details as you can, and communicate that with others who need to know. Updating others with the plan (and changes to it) provides that sense of direction to ensure everyone is on the same page (as much as possible).
  • Allow for some contingency. Whether in material resources or in time, have a buffer built into your plan so you can cope with unforeseen issues.
  • Allow things to settle. In a new space, no matter how many times you visit, it’s different once it becomes your own. Everyone is adjusting to new rhythms and flow. In time, those rhythms will reset to what “normal” will become.
  • Be gracious. The move affects everyone, and everyone will handle it differently. Ensure you extend grace as much as you can (because you’d likely would like the same as well).

While people typically don’t move frequently, many of these reminders are applicable if you replace the word “move” with “change” or “transition”.

What other reminders would you add to this list?