Yearly Archives: 2017

5 06, 2017

Transition 101 2017 – review

By |2017-06-05T22:57:07-04:00June 5th, 2017|Alvin Lau, event recap|0 Comments

Many high school graduates just sent in their letters of acceptance. Last Saturday, a number of them gathered to meet some soon-to-be-friends at Transition 101. This second annual event, co-hosted with Ambassadors for Christ, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Power 2 Change - Students and Navigators, helped set the trajectory for 60 soon-to-be-frosh (3x the number of grads we had last year). They had a chance to learn about their campuses with

30 05, 2017

National day of Prayer for Youth on June 11

By |2017-05-30T14:37:44-04:00May 30th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Generation Z is facing challenges that are similar to previous generations; there are others that are unique to this time and place. We are calling all Canadian Baptist churches to join in prayer on Sunday, June 11. The Canadian Baptist Youth team is inviting churches to pray with and for youth together. There are a myriad of ways to do this. You'll find some ideas both for your Sunday service

29 05, 2017

Springforth 2017 – review

By |2017-05-29T11:23:28-04:00May 29th, 2017|event recap|0 Comments

I recently returned from an opportunity to serve with our brothers and sisters in the CBAC (Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada). Along with my fellow CBOQ team, Chantelle Garvin and Gordon Nichols, we served at their annual Youth Conference, Springforth in Moncton, NB. This conference brings students from across Atlantic Canada to two sites. High School students meet at Crandall University, while Middle School students meet at Moncton Wesleyan Church.

16 05, 2017

Ways to Connect With Us

By |2017-05-16T23:15:27-04:00May 16th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Did you know there are multiple ways to contact us? (You may not know about a couple of new ones.) You can connect with us via … Text: Text 416-620-2946 and one of our staff will respond back to you. You can even get updates via SMS by texting "youth411" for upcoming announcements and updates or "youthevents" to get the latest on our upcoming events. Through our website: You can

15 05, 2017

TFC youth outreach survey

By |2017-05-13T22:27:29-04:00May 15th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

We are exploring the possibility of hosting a youth outreach event with Toronto FC. We'd like your input on whether it'd be worthwhile hosting. The purpose of all our outreach events are twofold: For invited friends to gain a positive impression of Jesus, perhaps for the first time. To connect with the group they were invited with for faith conversations beyond the event. We've been asked to consider the following

8 05, 2017

Next Steps for 2017/18

By |2017-05-06T12:54:10-04:00May 8th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

The ministry year is closing out soon. Now is a good time to start planning for 2017/18. So here’s a place to begin: what are your 3 next steps/goals for the next ministry year? Why are we asking? We want to support what God’s doing at your church. We’re asking you to send us your 3 next steps through our annual survey ( It will take about 10 minutes to

28 04, 2017

Supporting the Class of 2017

By |2017-04-28T10:50:50-04:00April 28th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

Do you remember what finishing grade 12 (or grade 13 or OAC depending on your year of graduation) was like? For many, it’s a mixture of excitement, stress, relief, and anxiety. For some, the shift to post-secondary life means Jesus takes a back seat. So how do we help students sustain their faith in this transition? Here are some ways you can support your grade 12 grads (some of these

24 04, 2017

“Imaginative Hope” now available

By |2017-04-26T16:39:25-04:00April 24th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

About a year ago, we gathered with 50 youth leaders from across Canada for four days in Niagara Falls. Together, we seeked to discern God’s voice for our Canadian Baptist churches for the next generation. We’re excited to have the Imaginative Hope report available (and coming to your church very soon). The Imaginative Hope report identified seven obstacles and five opportunities our churches face with Generation Z (and the ones

10 04, 2017

It is finished and it’s begun

By |2017-04-07T20:32:49-04:00April 10th, 2017|Alvin Lau|0 Comments

“It is finished.” These are the final words spoken by Jesus  on the cross before he died for all humanity. They seem conclusive, definitive and, perhaps at that moment, words of defeat?. But on this side of history, we know what comes next. We know who and what is defeated. And we know that Jesus is victorious. New life begins. Jesus claimed that he would be the firstfruit of the

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